Monday, December 11, 2006

We're flyin high !

I just came to know from a friend that some people think that we are simply flying too high nowadays!

ha...and believe it or not....i dont think we even felt it! i mean...if we ARE flyin...u would think we would have known ourselves...

just imagine...if we are still just walkin on the ground and ppl think we are flying...what will happen when we actually DO fly?...

well nothin CAN happen actually...all some people can do is just shoot stray comments like sharp arrows...which until some time before...really were hurting...

It was like i could not bear the if u were falling into an abyss, constantly being pricked by those arrows...stuck on ur body..some of them breaking by the impact on the walls... and in turn sinking even farther into your skin....fallin ..fallin...into this deep dark tunnel...with voices....or rather string of words...being flung at you...which as they hit you, stung even more than the arrows...

but stop..........right ......................there..................................................................................................

suddenly you open your eyes...just a little....and get a peek so that you can find some shelter...

And you realise....ha....that these arrows are being thrown at you by these tiny people from the Land of Liliputs!!!

Liliput people? these bigger than 5 inches......are throwing what seems like very tiny dust!!! i suddenly realise what i can do....i can just move my hand...and they will get squashed to ants..............

it seems that the lilliputs cant speak english very well....also have a problem pronouncing "P" which they seem to say "ph".....

ah....lets just leave them....i think to myself.....what can they do? i'll just continue my work of making this i can get back to my world.....

My world is waiting for me......

I just wish....that i actually was flying too high.....then i could just fly away from here....but thats not possible...irrespective of what some people might think!!!....

so there you go again....continue with the raft!!! stop wasting time....with these insects....


Unknown said...

i agree... it does get frustrating being the victim of alll these "arrows" shot at you when your inner mind knows that they are complete untruths... but when that phase of realisation comes, these petty litlle things dont matter anymore.. nice put into words.. you are not the only one who wishes to fly that high.. everyne does (myself included)!!

Unknown said...

Well,Well,Well.. Getting high, eh ???
Reminds me of the good times.. You get the point.. :P..

people talk. people comment. Today, gossip is treated necessary for most people's salvation..
Maybe its plain envy.. Maybe its plain hatred.. Maybe its not as plain as it seems..