Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Deja Vu ?

If I see you, five years from now…will I remember u?
Will I be able to recognize u from across the room?
Will be able to come up to u and say…”Hey! Remember me?”

Ur memories will be long gone…I’ve faced this quite a lot of times before…we make promises, to keep in touch…but it never comes through….

Lookin back, I can remember myself attesting…”no, we are not like all the others! We WILL meet in the future, lets decide now…where…in ten years time…when all our bachelor degrees will be done?”….but its time for me to accept the gradual decrease of contact, the breaking of the strings…slowly being stretched beyond its limit… when you know…there are just a few moments before it breaks down and gives in to this force being pressed upon it.

These few moments transcend into months in actuality, but the concept is the same isn’t it?

I’ve got photographs up on my wall, makin me remember and relive those moments in my head…but that’s just because the present has nothing to offer me….

That’s why I guess, I don’t blame anyone….because if the presence was captivating for me as it is for you…maybe I also wouldn’t bother… meandering in the past…

That’s the bottom line…isn’t it?


abcd31 said...

what was that depression or feelings definitly when people leave this place they are going to retain the memories they had here good or bad you would love this place

Isha said...

i guess...i'll definately retain these memories too...but i wont miss them...i think...
But i know what ur gonna say, some of the best years of my life are being spent here...so better enjoy them rite? :-)

Evanescent Thought said...

and why may i ask is ur present not captivating enough??

Unknown said...

Let the thoughts disengage. Let the mind wander. Into the past, the memories, of things that happened, and the thoughts of could-have-been's. Let the notions fool you. So that you learn.

Unknown said...

You learn to live your present. Memories are called memories, coz you know they won't leave you. Those moments are stranded in yuor mind - forever. You learn to live with them.